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Lubeck - Linear Algebra

Ilya Yaroshenko, Lars Tandle Kyllingstad (SciD author)
template BlasType(Iterators...)
Gets the type that can be used with Blas routines that all types can be implicitly converted to.
Slice!(BlasType!(IteratorA, IteratorB)*, 2) mtimes(IteratorA, SliceKind kindA, IteratorB, SliceKind kindB)(Slice!(IteratorA, 2, kindA) a, Slice!(IteratorB, 2, kindB) b);
General matrix-matrix multiplication. Allocates result to an uninitialized slice using GC.
Slice!(IteratorA, 2, kindA) a m(rows) x k(cols) matrix
Slice!(IteratorB, 2, kindB) b k(rows) x n(cols) matrix

Result m(rows) x n(cols)

import mir.ndslice;

auto a =
    [-5,  1,  7, 7, -4,
     -1, -5,  6, 3, -3,
     -5, -2, -3, 6,  0].sliced(3, 5);

auto b = slice!double(5, 4);
b[] =
    [[-5, -3,  3,  1],
     [ 4,  3,  6,  4],
     [-4, -2, -2,  2],
     [-1,  9,  4,  8],
     [ 9, 8,  3, -2]];

assert(mtimes(a, b) ==
    [[-42,  35,  -7, 77],
     [-69, -21, -42, 21],
     [ 23,  69,   3, 29]]
ger specialized case in mtimes
import mir.ndslice;

// from
    auto a = [1.0f, 2.0f].sliced(2, 1);
    auto b = [1.0f, 2.0f].sliced(2, 1);
    assert(mtimes(a, b.transposed) == [[1, 2], [2, 4]]);
    auto a = [1.0, 2.0].sliced(1, 2);
    auto b = [1.0, 2.0].sliced(1, 2);
    assert(mtimes(a.transposed, b) == [[1, 2], [2, 4]]);
import mir.ndslice;

// from
Slice!(float*, 2) a = slice!float(1, 1);
Slice!(float*, 2, Universal) b1 = slice!float(16, 1).transposed;
Slice!(float*, 2) b2 = slice!float(1, 16);

a[] = 3;
b1[] = 4;
b2[] = 4;

// Confirm that this message does not appear
// Outputs: ** On entry to SGEMM  parameter number  8 had an illegal value
assert(a.mtimes(b1) == a.mtimes(b2));
Slice!(BlasType!(IteratorA, IteratorB)*) mtimes(IteratorA, SliceKind kindA, IteratorB, SliceKind kindB)(Slice!(IteratorA, 2, kindA) a, Slice!(IteratorB, 1, kindB) b);
General matrix-matrix multiplication. Allocates result to an uninitialized slice using GC.
Slice!(IteratorA, 2, kindA) a m(rows) x k(cols) matrix
Slice!(IteratorB, 1, kindB) b k(rows) x 1(cols) vector

Result m(rows) x 1(cols)

Slice!(BlasType!(IteratorA, IteratorB)*) mtimes(IteratorA, SliceKind kindA, IteratorB, SliceKind kindB)(Slice!(IteratorB, 1, kindB) a, Slice!(IteratorA, 2, kindA) b);
General matrix-matrix multiplication.
Slice!(IteratorB, 1, kindB) a 1(rows) x k(cols) vector
Slice!(IteratorA, 2, kindA) b k(rows) x n(cols) matrix

Result 1(rows) x n(cols)

import mir.ndslice;

auto a =
    [-5,  1,  7, 7, -4,
     -1, -5,  6, 3, -3,
     -5, -2, -3, 6,  0]
        .sliced(3, 5)

auto b = slice!double(5);
b[] = [-5, 4,-4,-1, 9];

assert(mtimes(b, a) == [-42, -69, 23]);
CommonType!(BlasType!IteratorA, BlasType!IteratorB) mtimes(IteratorA, SliceKind kindA, IteratorB, SliceKind kindB)(Slice!(IteratorB, 1, kindB) a, Slice!(IteratorA, 1, kindA) b);
Vector-vector multiplication (dot product).
Slice!(IteratorB, 1, kindB) a 1(rows) x k(cols) vector
Slice!(IteratorA, 1, kindA) b k(rows) x 1(cols) matrix

Result scalar

import mir.ndslice;

auto a = [1, 2, 4].sliced;
auto b = [3, 4, 2].sliced;
assert(a.mtimes(b) == 19);
auto inv(Iterator, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) a);
Calculates the inverse of a matrix.
import mir.complex;
import mir.ndslice;

auto a =  [
    1, 0, 2,
    2, 2, 0,
    0, 1, 1]
    .sliced(3, 3);

enum : double { _13 = 1.0/3.0, _16 = 1.0/6.0, _23 = 2.0/3.0 }
auto ans = [
    _13, _13, -_23,
    -_13,_16, _23,
    _13, -_16, _13]

import mir.algorithm.iteration: equal;
import mir.math.common: approxEqual;
assert(equal!((a, b) => a.approxEqual(b, 1e-10L, 1e-10L))(a.inv, ans));
assert(equal!((a, b) => a.approxEqual(b, 1e-10L, 1e-10L))(!(a => Complex!double(a, 0)).inv.member!"re", ans));
import mir.ndslice.topology: iota;

    auto m = [3, 3].iota.inv;
    assert (false, "Matrix should be detected as singular");
catch (Exception e)
    assert (true);
struct SvdResult(T);
Slice!(T*, 2) u;
Slice!(T*) sigma;
Slice!(T*, 2) vt;
auto svd(Flag!"allowDestroy" allowDestroy = No.allowDestroy, string algorithm = "gesvd", SliceKind kind, Iterator)(Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) matrix, Flag!"slim" slim = No.slim)
if (algorithm == "gesvd" || algorithm == "gesdd");
Computes the singular value decomposition.
Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) matrix input M x N matrix
Flag!"slim" slim If true the first min(M,N) columns of u and the first min(M,N) rows of vt are returned in the ndslices u and vt.
SvdResult. Results are allocated by the GC.
import mir.ndslice;

auto a =  [
     7.52,  -1.10,  -7.95,   1.08,
    -0.76,   0.62,   9.34,  -7.10,
     5.13,   6.62,  -5.66,   0.87,
    -4.75,   8.52,   5.75,   5.30,
     1.33,   4.91,  -5.49,  -3.52,
    -2.40,  -6.77,   2.34,   3.95]
    .sliced(6, 4);

auto r = a.svd;

auto sigma = slice!double(a.shape, 0);
sigma.diagonal[] = r.sigma;
auto m = r.u.mtimes(sigma).mtimes(r.vt);

import mir.algorithm.iteration: equal;
import mir.math.common: approxEqual;
assert(equal!((a, b) => a.approxEqual(b, 1e-8, 1e-8))(a, m));
import std.typecons: Yes;
import mir.ndslice;

auto a =  [
     7.52,  -1.10,  -7.95,   1.08,
    -0.76,   0.62,   9.34,  -7.10,
     5.13,   6.62,  -5.66,   0.87,
    -4.75,   8.52,   5.75,   5.30,
     1.33,   4.91,  -5.49,  -3.52,
    -2.40,  -6.77,   2.34,   3.95]
    .sliced(6, 4);

auto r = a.svd(Yes.slim);
assert(r.u.shape == [6, 4]);
assert(r.vt.shape == [4, 4]);
Slice!(BlasType!(IteratorA, IteratorB)*, 2) mldivide(IteratorA, SliceKind kindA, IteratorB, SliceKind kindB)(Slice!(IteratorA, 2, kindA) a, Slice!(IteratorB, 2, kindB) b);

Slice!(BlasType!(IteratorA, IteratorB)*) mldivide(IteratorA, SliceKind kindA, IteratorB, SliceKind kindB)(Slice!(IteratorA, 2, kindA) a, Slice!(IteratorB, 1, kindB) b);
Solve systems of linear equations AX = B for X. Computes minimum-norm solution to a linear least squares problem if A is not a square matrix.
import mir.complex;
import std.meta: AliasSeq;
import mir.ndslice;

foreach(C; AliasSeq!(double, Complex!double))
    static if(is(C == Complex!double))
        alias transform = a => C(a, 0);
        enum transform = "a";

    auto a = [
        1, -1,  1,
        2,  2, -4,
        -1,  5,  0].sliced(3, 3).map!transform;
    auto b = [
        2.0,  0,
        -6  , -6,
        9  ,  1].sliced(3, 2).map!transform;
    auto t = [
        1.0, -1,
        2  ,  0,
        3  ,  1].sliced(3, 2).map!transform;

    auto x = mldivide(a, b);
    assert(x == t);
import mir.complex;
import std.meta: AliasSeq;
import mir.ndslice;

foreach(C; AliasSeq!(double, Complex!double))
    static if(is(C == Complex!double))
        alias transform = a => C(a, 0);
        enum transform = "a";

    auto a = [
        1, -1,  1,
        2,  2, -4,
        -1,  5,  0].sliced(3, 3).map!transform;
    auto b = [
        -6  ,
        9  ].sliced(3).map!transform;
    auto t = [
        2  ,
        3  ].sliced(3).map!transform;

    auto x = mldivide(a, b);
    assert(x == t);
Least-Squares Solution of Underdetermined System
import mir.complex;
import std.meta: AliasSeq;
import mir.ndslice;

foreach(C; AliasSeq!(double, )) //Complex!double fails for DMD>=2085
    static if(is(C == Complex!double))
        alias transform = a => C(a, 0);
        enum transform = "a";

    auto a = [
        -0.57,  -1.28,  -0.39,   0.25,
        -1.93,   1.08,  -0.31,  -2.14,
        2.30,   0.24,   0.40,  -0.35,
        -1.93,   0.64,  -0.66,   0.08,
        0.15,   0.30,   0.15,  -2.13,
        -0.02,   1.03,  -1.43,   0.50,
        ].sliced(6, 4).map!transform;

    auto b = [

    auto x = [

    import mir.math.common: approxEqual;
    import mir.algorithm.iteration: all;
    alias appr = all!((a, b) => approxEqual(a, b, 1e-3, 1e-3));
    assert(appr(a.mldivide(b), x));
struct PcaResult(T);
Principal component analises result.
Slice!(T*, 2) coeff;
Principal component coefficients, also known as loadings.
Slice!(T*, 2) score;
Principal component scores.
Slice!(T*) latent;
Principal component variances.
auto pca(Flag!"allowDestroy" allowDestroy = No.allowDestroy, Iterator, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) matrix, in Flag!"centerColumns" cc = Yes.centerColumns);
Principal component analysis of raw data.
Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) matrix input M x N matrix, where 'M (rows)>= N(cols)'
Flag!"centerColumns" cc Flag to centern columns. True by default.
import mir.ndslice;

import mir.math.common: approxEqual;
import mir.algorithm.iteration: equal;

auto ingedients = [
     7,  26,   6,  60,
     1,  29,  15,  52,
    11,  56,   8,  20,
    11,  31,   8,  47,
     7,  52,   6,  33,
    11,  55,   9,  22,
     3,  71,  17,   6,
     1,  31,  22,  44,
     2,  54,  18,  22,
    21,  47,   4,  26,
     1,  40,  23,  34,
    11,  66,   9,  12,
    10,  68,   8,  12].sliced(13, 4);

auto res = ingedients.pca;

auto coeff = [
    -0.067799985695474,  -0.646018286568728,   0.567314540990512,   0.506179559977705,
    -0.678516235418647,  -0.019993340484099,  -0.543969276583817,   0.493268092159297,
     0.029020832106229,   0.755309622491133,   0.403553469172668,   0.515567418476836,
     0.730873909451461,  -0.108480477171676,  -0.468397518388289,   0.484416225289198,
].sliced(4, 4);

auto score = [
     36.821825999449700,  -6.870878154227367,  -4.590944457629745,   0.396652582713912,
     29.607273420710964,   4.610881963526308,  -2.247578163663940,  -0.395843536696492,
    -12.981775719737618,  -4.204913183175938,   0.902243082694698,  -1.126100587210615,
     23.714725720918022,  -6.634052554708721,   1.854742000806314,  -0.378564808384691,
     -0.553191676624597,  -4.461732123178686,  -6.087412652325177,   0.142384896047281,
    -10.812490833309816,  -3.646571174544059,   0.912970791674604,  -0.134968810314680,
    -32.588166608817929,   8.979846284936063,  -1.606265913996588,   0.081763927599947,
     22.606395499005586,  10.725906457369449,   3.236537714483416,   0.324334774646368,
     -9.262587237675838,   8.985373347478788,  -0.016909578102172,  -0.543746175981799,
     -3.283969329640680, -14.157277337500918,   7.046512994833761,   0.340509860960606,
      9.220031117829379,  12.386080787220454,   3.428342878284624,   0.435152769664895,
    -25.584908517429557,  -2.781693148152386,  -0.386716066864491,   0.446817950545605,
    -26.903161834677597,  -2.930971165042989,  -2.445522630195304,   0.411607156409658,
].sliced(13, 4);

auto latent = [5.177968780739053, 0.674964360487231, 0.124054300480810, 0.002371532651878].sliced;
latent[] *= 100;

assert(equal!approxEqual(res.coeff, coeff));
assert(equal!approxEqual(res.score, score));
assert(equal!approxEqual(res.latent, latent));
Slice!(BlasType!Iterator*, 2) pinv(Flag!"allowDestroy" allowDestroy = No.allowDestroy, Iterator, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) matrix, double tolerance = (double).nan);
Computes Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of matrix.
Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) matrix Input M x N matrix.
double tolerance The computation is based on SVD and any singular values less than tolerance are treated as zero.
Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse matrix
import mir.ndslice;

auto a = [
    64,  2,  3, 61, 60,  6,
     9, 55, 54, 12, 13, 51,
    17, 47, 46, 20, 21, 43,
    40, 26, 27, 37, 36, 30,
    32, 34, 35, 29, 28, 38,
    41, 23, 22, 44, 45, 19,
    49, 15, 14, 52, 53, 11,
     8, 58, 59,  5,  4, 62].sliced(8, 6);

auto b = a.pinv;

auto result = [
    0.0177, -0.0165, -0.0164,  0.0174,  0.0173, -0.0161, -0.0160,  0.0170,
   -0.0121,  0.0132,  0.0130, -0.0114, -0.0112,  0.0124,  0.0122, -0.0106,
   -0.0055,  0.0064,  0.0060, -0.0043, -0.0040,  0.0049,  0.0045, -0.0028,
   -0.0020,  0.0039,  0.0046, -0.0038, -0.0044,  0.0064,  0.0070, -0.0063,
   -0.0086,  0.0108,  0.0115, -0.0109, -0.0117,  0.0139,  0.0147, -0.0141,
    0.0142, -0.0140, -0.0149,  0.0169,  0.0178, -0.0176, -0.0185,  0.0205].sliced(6, 8);

import mir.math.common: approxEqual;
import mir.algorithm.iteration: all;

assert(b.all!((a, b) => approxEqual(a, b, 1e-2, 1e-2))(result));
Slice!(BlasType!Iterator*, 2) cov(Iterator, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) matrix);
Covariance matrix.
Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) matrix matrix whose rows represent observations and whose columns represent random variables.
Normalized by N-1 covariance matrix.
import mir.ndslice;

import std.stdio;
import mir.ndslice;

auto c = 8.magic[0..$-1].cov;

auto result = [
     350.0000, -340.6667, -331.3333,  322.0000,  312.6667, -303.3333, -294.0000,  284.6667,
    -340.6667,  332.4762,  324.2857, -316.0952, -307.9048,  299.7143,  291.5238, -283.3333,
    -331.3333,  324.2857,  317.2381, -310.1905, -303.1429,  296.0952,  289.0476, -282.0000,
     322.0000, -316.0952, -310.1905,  304.2857,  298.3810, -292.4762, -286.5714,  280.6667,
     312.6667, -307.9048, -303.1429,  298.3810,  293.6190, -288.8571, -284.0952,  279.3333,
    -303.3333,  299.7143,  296.0952, -292.4762, -288.8571,  285.2381,  281.6190, -278.0000,
    -294.0000,  291.5238,  289.0476, -286.5714, -284.0952,  281.6190,  279.1429, -276.6667,
     284.6667, -283.3333, -282.0000,  280.6667,  279.3333, -278.0000, -276.6667,  275.3333].sliced(8, 8);
import mir.math.common: approxEqual;
import mir.algorithm.iteration: all;
assert(c.all!((a, b) => approxEqual(a, b, 1e-5, 1e-5))(result));
auto detSymmetric(Iterator, SliceKind kind)(char store, Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) a);

auto det(Iterator, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) a);
Matrix determinant.
import mir.ndslice;
import mir.math;

// Check for zero-determinant shortcut.
auto ssing = [4, 2, 2, 1].sliced(2, 2);
auto ssingd = det(ssing);
assert (det(ssing) == 0);
assert (detSymmetric('L', ssing) == 0);

// check determinant of empty matrix
assert(slice!double(0, 0).det == 1);
// check determinant of zero matrix
assert(repeat(0, 9).sliced(3, 3).det == 0);

// General dense matrix.
int dn = 101;
auto d = uninitSlice!double(dn, dn);
foreach (k; 0 .. dn)
foreach (l; 0 .. dn)
    d[k,l] = 0.5 * (k == l ? (k + 1) * (k + 1) + 1 : 2 * (k + 1) * (l + 1));

auto dd = det(d);
import mir.math.common: approxEqual;
assert (approxEqual(dd, 3.539152633479803e289, double.epsilon.sqrt));

// Symmetric packed matrix
auto spa = [ 1.0, -2, 3, 4, 5, -6, -7, -8, -9, 10].sliced.stairs!"+"(4);
auto sp = [spa.length, spa.length].uninitSlice!double;
import mir.algorithm.iteration: each;
sp.stairs!"+".each!"a[] = b"(spa);
assert (detSymmetric('L', sp).approxEqual(5874.0, double.epsilon.sqrt));
assert (detSymmetric('U', sp.universal.transposed).approxEqual(5874.0, double.epsilon.sqrt));
struct EigSymmetricResult(T);
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors POD.
See Also:
Slice!(T*) values;
Slice!(T*, 2) vectors;
Eigenvectors stored in rows
auto eigSymmetric(Flag!"computeVectors" cv = Yes.computeVectors, Iterator, SliceKind kind)(char store, Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) a);
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric matrix.
import mir.ndslice;

import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced;
import mir.ndslice.topology: universal, map;
import mir.ndslice.dynamic: transposed;
import mir.math.common: approxEqual;
import mir.algorithm.iteration: all;

auto a = [
    1.0000, 0.5000, 0.3333, 0.2500,
    0.5000, 1.0000, 0.6667, 0.5000,
    0.3333, 0.6667, 1.0000, 0.7500,
    0.2500, 0.5000, 0.7500, 1.0000].sliced(4, 4);

auto eigr = eigSymmetric('L', a);

alias appr = all!((a, b) => approxEqual(a, b, 1e-3, 1e-3));

assert(appr(eigr.values, [0.2078,0.4078,0.8482,2.5362]));

auto test = [
     0.0693, -0.4422, -0.8105, 0.3778,
    -0.3618,  0.7420, -0.1877, 0.5322,
     0.7694,  0.0486,  0.3010, 0.5614,
    -0.5219, -0.5014,  0.4662, 0.5088].sliced(4, 4).transposed;

foreach (i; 0 .. 4)
    assert(appr(eigr.vectors[i], test[i]) || appr(eigr.vectors[i].map!"-a", test[i]));
struct LUResult(T);
LUResult consist lu factorization.
Slice!(T*, 2, Canonical) lut;
Matrix in witch lower triangular is L part of factorization (diagonal elements of L are not stored), upper triangular is U part of factorization.
Slice!(lapackint*) ipiv;
The pivot indices, for 1 <= i <= min(M,N), row i of the matrix was interchanged with row ipiv(i).
@property auto l();
L part of the factorization.
@property auto u();
U part of the factorization.
auto solve(Flag!"allowDestroy" allowDestroy = No.allowDestroy, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)(char trans, Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) b);
auto luDecomp(Flag!"allowDestroy" allowDestroy = No.allowDestroy, Iterator, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) a);
Computes LU factorization of a general 'M x N' matrix 'A' using partial pivoting with row interchanges. The factorization has the form: \A = P * L * U Where P is a permutation matrix, L is lower triangular with unit diagonal elements (lower trapezoidal if m > n), and U is upper triangular (upper trapezoidal if m < n).
allowDestroy flag to delete the source matrix.
Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) a input 'M x N' matrix for factorization.
auto luSolve(Flag!"allowDestroy" allowDestroy = No.allowDestroy, SliceKind kindB, size_t N, IteratorB, IteratorLU)(char trans, Slice!(IteratorLU, 2, Canonical) lut, Slice!(lapackint*) ipiv, Slice!(IteratorB, N, kindB) b);
Solves a system of linear equations \A * X = B, or \A**T * X = B with a general 'N x N' matrix 'A' using the LU factorization computed by luDecomp.
allowDestroy flag to delete the source matrix.
Slice!(IteratorLU, 2, Canonical) lut factorization of matrix 'A', A = P * L * U.
Slice!(lapackint*) ipiv the pivot indices from luDecomp.
Slice!(IteratorB, N, kindB) b the right hand side matrix B.
char trans specifies the form of the system of equations: 'N': A * X = B (No transpose) 'T': AT * X = B (Transpose) 'C': AT * X = B (Conjugate transpose = Transpose)
Return solve of the system linear equations.
import mir.math;
import mir.ndslice;

auto A =
    [ 1,  4, -3,  5,  6,
     -2,  8,  5,  7,  8,
      3,  4,  7,  9,  1,
      2,  4,  6,  3,  2,
      6,  8,  3,  5,  2 ]
        .sliced(5, 5)

import mir.random.variable;
import mir.random.algorithm;
auto B = randomSlice(uniformVar(-100, 100), 5, 100);

auto LU = A.luDecomp();
auto X = LU.solve('N', B);

import mir.algorithm.iteration: equal;
assert(equal!((a, b) => fabs(a - b) < 1e-12)(mtimes(A, X), B));
struct LDLResult(T);
Consist LDL factorization;
char uplo;
uplo = 'U': Upper triangle is stored; 'L': lower triangle is stored.
Slice!(T*, 2, Canonical) matrix;
Matrix in witch lower triangular matrix is 'L' part of factorization, diagonal is 'D' part.
Slice!(lapackint*) ipiv;
The pivot indices. If ipiv(k) > 0, then rows and columns k and ipiv(k) were interchanged and D(k, k) is a '1 x 1' diagonal block. If ipiv(k) = ipiv(k + 1) < 0, then rows and columns k+1 and -ipiv(k) were interchanged and D(k:k+1, k:k+1) is a '2 x 2' diagonal block.
auto solve(Flag!"allowDestroy" allowDestroy = No.allowDestroy, SliceKind kindB, size_t N, IteratorB)(Slice!(IteratorB, N, kindB) b);
Return solves a system of linear equations \A * X = B, using LDL factorization.
auto ldlDecomp(Flag!"allowDestroy" allowDestroy = No.allowDestroy, Iterator, SliceKind kind)(char uplo, Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) a);
Computes the factorization of a real symmetric matrix A using the Bunch-Kaufman diagonal pivoting method. The for of the factorization is: \A = LDL**T Where L is product if permutation and unit lower triangular matrices, and D is symmetric and block diagonal with '1 x 1' and '2 x 2' diagonal blocks.
allowDestroy flag to delete the source matrix.
Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) a input symmetric 'n x n' matrix for factorization.
char uplo 'U': Upper triangle is stored; 'L': lower triangle is stored. Returns:LDLResult
auto ldlSolve(Flag!"allowDestroy" allowDestroy = No.allowDestroy, SliceKind kindB, size_t N, IteratorB, IteratorA)(char uplo, Slice!(IteratorA, 2, Canonical) a, Slice!(lapackint*) ipiv, Slice!(IteratorB, N, kindB) b);
Solves a system of linear equations \A * X = B with symmetric matrix 'A' using the factorization \A = U * D * UT, or \A = L * D * LT computed by ldlDecomp.
allowDestroy flag to delete the source matrix.
Slice!(IteratorA, 2, Canonical) a 'LD' or 'UD' matrix computed by ldlDecomp.
Slice!(lapackint*) ipiv details of the interchanges and the block structure of D as determined by ldlDecomp.
Slice!(IteratorB, N, kindB) b the right hand side matrix.
char uplo specifies whether the details of the factorization are stored as an upper or lower triangular matrix: 'U': Upper triangular, form is \A = U * D * UT; 'L': Lower triangular, form is \A = L * D * LT.
The solution matrix.
import mir.ndslice;

auto A =
    [ 2.07,  3.87,  4.20, -1.15,
      3.87, -0.21,  1.87,  0.63,
      4.20,  1.87,  1.15,  2.06,
     -1.15,  0.63,  2.06, -1.81 ]
        .sliced(4, 4)

import mir.random.variable;
import mir.random.algorithm;
auto B = randomSlice(uniformVar(-100, 100), 4, 100);

auto LDL = ldlDecomp('L', A);
auto X = LDL.solve(B);

import mir.math.common: approxEqual;
import mir.algorithm.iteration: equal;
alias appr = equal!((a, b) => approxEqual(a, b, 1e-5, 1e-5));
assert(appr(mtimes(A, X), B));
auto choleskyDecomp(Flag!"allowDestroy" allowDestroy = No.allowDestroy, Iterator, SliceKind kind)(char uplo, Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) a);
Computs Cholesky decomposition of symmetric positive definite matrix 'A'. The factorization has the form: \A = UT * U, if UPLO = 'U', or \A = L * LT, if UPLO = 'L' Where U is an upper triangular matrix and L is lower triangular.
allowDestroy flag to delete the source matrix.
Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) a symmetric 'N x N' matrix.
char uplo if uplo is Upper, then upper triangle of A is stored, else lower.
import mir.algorithm.iteration: equal, eachUploPair;
import mir.ndslice;
import mir.random.algorithm;
import mir.random.variable;
import mir.math.common: approxEqual;

auto A =
       [ 25, double.nan, double.nan,
         15, 18,  double.nan,
         -5,  0, 11 ]
         .sliced(3, 3);

auto B = randomSlice(uniformVar(-100, 100), 3, 100);

auto C = choleskyDecomp('L', A);
auto X = C.solve(B);

A.eachUploPair!"a = b";
assert(equal!approxEqual(mtimes(A, X), B));
auto choleskySolve(Flag!"allowDestroy" allowDestroy = No.allowDestroy, SliceKind kindB, size_t N, IteratorB, IteratorC)(char uplo, Slice!(IteratorC, 2, Canonical) c, Slice!(IteratorB, N, kindB) b);
Solves a system of linear equations A * X = B with a symmetric matrix A using the Cholesky factorization: \A = UT * U or \A = L * LT computed by choleskyDecomp.
allowDestroy flag to delete the source matrix.
Slice!(IteratorC, 2, Canonical) c the triangular factor 'U' or 'L' from the Cholesky factorization \A = UT * U or \A = L * LT, as computed by choleskyDecomp.
Slice!(IteratorB, N, kindB) b the right hand side matrix.
char uplo 'U': Upper triangle of A is stored; 'L': Lower triangle of A is stored.
The solution matrix X.
import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced;
import mir.ndslice.topology: as;
import std.typecons: Flag, Yes;

auto A =
        [ 1.0,  1,  3,
          1  ,  5,  5,
          3  ,  5, 19 ].sliced(3, 3);

auto B = [ 10.0,  157,  80 ].sliced;
auto C_ = B.dup.sliced(3, 1);

auto C = choleskyDecomp('U', A);
auto X = choleskySolve!(Yes.allowDestroy)(C.uplo, C.matrix, B);

import mir.math.common: approxEqual;
import mir.algorithm.iteration: equal;
alias appr = equal!((a, b) => approxEqual(a, b, 1e-5, 1e-5));
assert(appr(mtimes(A, X), C_));
struct QRResult(T);
import mir.ndslice;

auto A =
        [ 1,  1,  0,
          1,  0,  1,
          0,  1,  1 ]
          .sliced(3, 3)

auto Q_test =
        [ -0.7071068,  0.4082483,  -0.5773503,
          -0.7071068, -0.4082483,   0.5773503,
                   0,  0.8164966,   0.5773503]
          .sliced(3, 3)

auto R_test =
        [ -1.414214,  -0.7071068,   -0.7071068,
                  0,   1.2247449,    0.4082483,
                  0,           0,    1.1547005]
          .sliced(3, 3)

auto val = qrDecomp(A);

//saving these values to doublecheck they don't change later
auto val_matrix = val.matrix.slice;
auto val_tau = val.tau.slice;

import mir.math.common: approxEqual;
import mir.ndslice : equal;

auto r = val.R;
assert(equal!approxEqual(val.R, R_test));

auto q = val.Q;
assert(equal!approxEqual(val.Q, Q_test));

//double-checking values do not change
assert(equal!approxEqual(val_matrix, val.matrix));
assert(equal!approxEqual(val_tau, val.tau));

auto a = val.reconstruct;
assert(equal!approxEqual(A, a));
Slice!(T*, 2, Canonical) matrix;
Matrix in witch the elements on and above the diagonal of the array contain the min(M, N) x N upper trapezoidal matrix 'R' (R is upper triangular if m >= n). The elements below the diagonal, with the array tau, represent the orthogonal matrix 'Q' as product of min(m, n).
Slice!(T*) tau;
The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors
auto solve(Flag!"allowDestroy" allowDestroy = No.allowDestroy, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) b);
Solve the least squares problem: \min ||A * X - B|| Using the QR factorization: \A = Q * R computed by qrDecomp.
auto Q(Flag!"allowDestroy" allowDestroy = No.allowDestroy);
Extract the Q matrix
auto R();
Extract the R matrix
auto reconstruct();
Reconstruct the original matrix given a QR decomposition
auto reconstruct(T, U)(T q, U r)
if (isMatrix!T && isMatrix!U);
Reconstruct the original matrix given a QR decomposition
auto qrDecomp(Flag!"allowDestroy" allowDestroy = No.allowDestroy, Iterator, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) a);
Computes a QR factorization of matrix 'a'.
allowDestroy flag to delete the source matrix.
Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) a initial matrix
auto qrSolve(Flag!"allowDestroy" allowDestroy = No.allowDestroy, SliceKind kindB, size_t N, IteratorB, IteratorA, IteratorT)(Slice!(IteratorA, 2, Canonical) a, Slice!IteratorT tau, Slice!(IteratorB, N, kindB) b);
Solve the least squares problem: \min ||A * X - B|| Using the QR factorization: \A = Q * R computed by qrDecomp.
allowDestroy flag to delete the source matrix.
Slice!(IteratorA, 2, Canonical) a detalis of the QR factorization of the original matrix as returned by qrDecomp.
Slice!IteratorT tau details of the orhtogonal matrix Q.
Slice!(IteratorB, N, kindB) b right hand side matrix.
solution matrix.
import mir.ndslice;

auto A =
        [ 3,  1, -1,  2,
         -5,  1,  3, -4,
          2,  0,  1, -1,
          1, -5,  3, -3 ]
          .sliced(4, 4)

import mir.random.variable;
import mir.random.algorithm;
auto B = randomSlice(uniformVar(-100, 100), 4, 100);

auto C = qrDecomp(A);
auto X = C.solve(B);

import mir.math.common: approxEqual;
import mir.algorithm.iteration: equal;
alias appr = equal!((a, b) => approxEqual(a, b, 1e-5, 1e-5));
assert(appr(mtimes(A, X), B));