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Lubeck 2 - @nogc Linear Algebra

pure nothrow @nogc @safe Slice!(RCI!T, 2) eye(T = double)(size_t n, size_t m = 0)
if (isFloatingPoint!T || isComplex!T);
Identity matrix.
size_t n number of columns
size_t m optional number of rows, default n

Results Matrix which is 1 on the diagonal and 0 elsewhere

Real numbers
import mir.ndslice;
import mir.math;

assert(eye(1)== [
assert(eye(2)== [
    [1, 0],
    [0, 1]]);
assert(eye(3)== [
    [1, 0, 0],
    [0, 1, 0],
    [0, 0, 1]]);
assert(eye(1,2) == [
assert(eye(2,1) == [
pure nothrow @nogc @safe Slice!(RCI!T, 2) mtimes(T, SliceKind kindA, SliceKind kindB)(Slice!(const(T)*, 2, kindA) a, Slice!(const(T)*, 2, kindB) b)
if (isFloatingPoint!T || isComplex!T);

pure nothrow @nogc @safe Slice!(RCI!(Unqual!A), 2) mtimes(A, B, SliceKind kindA, SliceKind kindB)(auto ref const Slice!(RCI!A, 2, kindA) a, auto ref const Slice!(RCI!B, 2, kindB) b)
if (is(Unqual!A == Unqual!B));
General matrix-matrix multiplication. Allocates result to using Mir refcounted arrays.
Slice!(const(T)*, 2, kindA) a m(rows) x k(cols) matrix
Slice!(const(T)*, 2, kindB) b k(rows) x n(cols) matrix

Result m(rows) x n(cols)

pure @nogc @safe Slice!(RCI!T, 2) mldivide(T, SliceKind kindA, SliceKind kindB)(Slice!(const(T)*, 2, kindA) a, Slice!(const(T)*, 2, kindB) b)
if (isFloatingPoint!T || isComplex!T);

pure @nogc @safe Slice!(RCI!(Unqual!A), 2) mldivide(A, B, SliceKind kindA, SliceKind kindB)(auto ref const Slice!(RCI!A, 2, kindA) a, auto ref const Slice!(RCI!B, 2, kindB) b);

pure @nogc @safe Slice!(RCI!(Unqual!A), 1) mldivide(A, B, SliceKind kindA, SliceKind kindB)(auto ref const Slice!(RCI!A, 2, kindA) a, auto ref const Slice!(RCI!B, 1, kindB) b);

pure @nogc @safe Slice!(RCI!T, 1) mldivide(T, SliceKind kindA, SliceKind kindB)(Slice!(const(T)*, 2, kindA) a, Slice!(const(T)*, 1, kindB) b)
if (isFloatingPoint!T || isComplex!T);
Solve systems of linear equations AX = B for X. Computes minimum-norm solution to a linear least squares problem if A is not a square matrix.
pure @nogc @safe Slice!(RCI!A, 2) mlinverse(A, SliceKind kindA)(auto ref Slice!(RCI!A, 2, kindA) a);
Solve systems of linear equations AX = I for X, where I is the identity. X is the right inverse of A if it exists, it's also a (Moore-Penrose) Pseudoinverse if A is invertible then X is the inverse. Computes minimum-norm solution to a linear least squares problem if A is not a square matrix.
struct SvdResult(T);
Singuar value decomposition result
Slice!(RCI!T, 2) u;
Slice!(RCI!T) sigma;
Singular Values
Slice!(RCI!T, 2) vt;
pure @nogc @safe SvdResult!T svd(T, string algorithm = "gesvd", SliceKind kind)(Slice!(const(T)*, 2, kind) a, Flag!"slim" slim = No.slim)
if (algorithm == "gesvd" || algorithm == "gesdd");
Computes the singular value decomposition.
Slice!(const(T)*, 2, kind) a input M x N matrix
Flag!"slim" slim If true the first min(M,N) columns of u and the first min(M,N) rows of vt are returned in the ndslices u and vt. out result = SvdResult. ]
error code from CBlas
struct PcaResult(T);
Principal component analysis result.
Slice!(RCI!T, 2) eigenvectors;
Eigenvectors (Eigenvectors[i] is the ith eigenvector)
Slice!(RCI!T, 2) scores;
Principal component scores. (Input matrix rotated to basis of eigenvectors)
Slice!(RCI!T) eigenvalues;
Principal component variances. (Eigenvalues)
Slice!(RCI!T) mean;
The means of each data column (0 if not centred)
Slice!(RCI!T) stdDev;
The standard deviations of each column (1 if not normalized)
Slice!(RCI!T, 2) loadings();
Principal component Loadings vectors (Eigenvectors times sqrt(Eigenvalue))
pure @nogc @safe PcaResult!T pca(SliceKind kind, T)(Slice!(const(T)*, 2, kind) data, DeviationEstimator devEst = DeviationEstimator.sample, MeanEstimator meanEst = MeanEstimator.average, Flag!"fixEigenvectorDirections" fixEigenvectorDirections = Yes.fixEigenvectorDirections);
Principal component analysis of raw data.

Template correlation = Flag to use correlation matrix instead of covariance

Slice!(const(T)*, 2, kind) data input M x N matrix, where 'M (rows)>= N(cols)'
DeviationEstimator devEst
MeanEstimator meanEst
Flag!"fixEigenvectorDirections" fixEigenvectorDirections
enum MeanEstimator: int;
pure nothrow @nogc @safe T median(T)(auto ref Slice!(RCI!T) data);

pure nothrow @nogc @safe T median(T)(Slice!(const(T)*) data);
import mir.ndslice;
import mir.math;

auto a = mininitRcslice!double(3);
a[] = [3, 1, 7];
auto med = median!double(a.flattened);
assert(med == 3.0);
assert(a == [3, 1, 7]);//add in stddev out param
double aDev;
auto aCenter = centerColumns(a, aDev, MeanEstimator.median);
assert(aCenter == [0.0, -2.0, 4.0]);
assert(aDev == 3.0);
auto b = mininitRcslice!double(4);
b[] = [4,2,5,1];
auto medB = median!double(b.flattened);
assert(medB == 3.0);
assert(b == [4,2,5,1]);
double bDev;
auto bCenter = centerColumns(b, bDev, MeanEstimator.median);
assert(bCenter == [1.0, -1.0, 2.0, -2.0]);
assert(bDev == 3.0);
pure nothrow @nogc @safe Slice!(RCI!T, 2) centerColumns(T, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(const(T)*, 2, kind) matrix, out Slice!(RCI!T) mean, MeanEstimator est = MeanEstimator.average);

pure nothrow @nogc @safe Slice!(RCI!T) centerColumns(T)(Slice!(const(T)*) col, out T mean, MeanEstimator est = MeanEstimator.average);

pure nothrow @nogc @safe Slice!(RCI!T) centerColumns(T)(auto ref const Slice!(RCI!T) col, out T mean, MeanEstimator est = MeanEstimator.average);

pure nothrow @nogc @safe Slice!(RCI!T, 2) centerColumns(T, SliceKind kind)(auto ref const Slice!(RCI!T, 2, kind) matrix, out Slice!(RCI!T) mean, MeanEstimator est = MeanEstimator.average);
Mean Centring of raw data.
Slice!(const(T)*, 2, kind) matrix input M x N matrix
Slice!(RCI!T) mean column means
MeanEstimator est mean estimation method
M x N matrix with each column translated by the column mean
import mir.ndslice;
import mir.math;

auto data = mininitRcslice!double(2,1);
data[] = [[1],
auto mean = mininitRcslice!double(1);
auto res = centerColumns(data, mean, MeanEstimator.average);
assert(mean[0] == 2);
assert(res == [[-1],[1]]);
enum DeviationEstimator: int;
median absolute deviation
pure nothrow @nogc @safe Slice!(RCI!T, 2) normalizeColumns(T, SliceKind kind)(auto ref const Slice!(const(T)*, 2, kind) matrix, out Slice!(RCI!T) stdDev, DeviationEstimator devEst = DeviationEstimator.sample);

pure nothrow @nogc @safe Slice!(RCI!T, 2) normalizeColumns(T, SliceKind kind)(auto ref const Slice!(RCI!T, 2, kind) matrix, out Slice!(RCI!T) stdDev, DeviationEstimator devEst = DeviationEstimator.sample);
Normalization of raw data.
Slice!(const(T)*, 2, kind) matrix input M x N matrix, each row an observation and each column mean centred
Slice!(RCI!T) stdDev column standard deviation
DeviationEstimator devEst estimation method
M x N matrix with each column divided by it's standard deviation
import mir.ndslice;
import mir.math;

auto data = mininitRcslice!double(2,2);
data[] = [[ 2, -1],
          [-2,  1]];
//sd1 = 2 * sqrt(2.0);
//sd2 = sqrt(2.0);
auto x = 1.0 / sqrt(2.0);
auto scaled = mininitRcslice!double(2,2);
scaled[] = [[ x, -x],
            [-x,  x]];
auto stdDev = mininitRcslice!double(2);
assert(normalizeColumns(data, stdDev) == scaled);
assert(stdDev == [2*sqrt(2.0), sqrt(2.0)]);